Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day 4, more relaxed

Today was a relaxing day... I decided to send the kids off with their G'Mom and Papa and I took in a little nature right around the yard where we are staying. We then joined up with the rest back at the pavilion for a cookout and music.

This Hybicus was part of the shrubs lining one side of the property. They were all in full bloom.

Next trivia Question: What type of tree does this open seed pod come from? (Hint, the first word of this tree's common name is something you ask a famous person for.) Okay, I won't go making you search the internet high-n-low for the answer. It is an "Autograph Tree" Scientific name: Clusia rosea. Named so, because people scratch their names on the leaves and it will stay their as long as the leaf stays on the tree. This tree is directly in front of the house.

Even an empty seed pod from the Clusia is beautiful in Hawaii... LOL!!!

Nice palm trees in the neighbor's yard.

The grills are fired up and ready to go... each family brought its own meat and used the grills. We don't use charcoal in Hawaii. 1. Commercial Charcoal is too expensive, 2. Kiawe (key-ah-vay) wood is preferred anyway.

(Trivia: Kiawe wood is the same as Mesquite wood.)

Let the entertainment begin!!!... One of the cousins played music for us... it was awesome.

After they were through playing, the kids took over and did some Kareoke!

Fun day had by all and glad it was more relaxing...

Stay tuned to tomorrow's blog... I'm sure I will have more stuff to add...

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